We learn culture through language and communication. Without a shared language, cultural change is difficult at best. In an effort to understand what it really means to integrate diversity into EIU’s student life activities, curriculum and pedagogy, and faculty development as well as into the Charleston community, we need to share a common language. This workshop is designed to help us understanding what is meant by “diversity,” “racism,” “white privilege,” “oppression,” “homophobia,” and the list goes, in an effort to work toward creating campus and community climates that move beyond tolerance to understanding and integration.
The resources available at Booth Library can help us share a common language around these issues.
The Encyclopedia of Human Services and Diversity
edited by Linwood H. Cousins
Gale Virtual Reference Library
view online
Revisioning Diversity in Communication Studies
by Armado Rodriguez
89 results for the search term “homophobia” from various Gale Virtual Reference Library resources (off campus login required)
White Privilege: a streaming video from Booth Library: Alexander Street Press Counseling and Therapy in video collection.
(Access restricted to on campus or authenticated EIU users)
Also available in the series:
Christian Privilege
Male Privilege
Straight Privilege
Social Class Privilege
Able Bodied Privilege
Tim Wise: on White Privilege: racism, white denial and the costs on inequality
by Tim J. Wise and Sut Jhally, 2008
call number E185.615 T55 2008x DVD
Encyclopedia of Social Theory
edited by George Ritzer
call number HM425 .E47 2005
Reference Room, non-circulating
also online
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
PS3607 .R348 A64 2010
The Cuckoo’s Calling
PR6068 .O93 C83 2013
Cushion in the Road: Meditation and Wandering as the Whole World Awakens to Being in Harm’s Way
PS3573 .A425 A6 2013
Jump Soul: New and Selected Poems
PS3569 .M5163 A6 2014
Leaving Everything Most Loved: a Novel
PR6123 .I575 L43x 2013
The Mapping of Love and Death: a Maisie Dobbs Novel
PR6123 .I575 M37 2010
Margaret Fuller: a New American Life
PS2506 .M37 2013
The Night Guest
PR9619.4 .M38355 N54 2013
The Odyssey
PA4025 .A5 M58 2013
The Quantum Thief
PR9170 .F563 R35 2011
A Season in the Congo
PQ3949 .C44 S213 2010X
Shatter Me
PS3613 .M335 S52 2011x
A Tale for the Time Being
PS3565 .Z45 T35 2013
The Booth Library website will be unavailable on Saturday, March 14. Off-campus access to library resources will not be possible during the outage. The library is closed March 14 and March 15 for Spring Break.
EIU Information Technology Services networking staff will be upgrading networking equipment during the outage. The library will also be without power for part of the day for scheduled facilities work.
December 1, 1955: Rosa Parks in jail after having refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus.
A Chosen Exile: a
History of Racial
Passing in American Life
E185.625 .H63 2014
Lincoln and the U.S. Colored Troops
E540 .N3 S67 2013
Making Freedom: the Underground Railroad and the Politics of
E450 .B59 2013
Freedom’s Ballot: African American
Political Struggles in Chicago from Abolition to the Great Migration
F548.9 .N4 M34
A Working People: a History of African American Workers Since Emancipation
HD808.1 .A65 R45 2013
Cornel West on Black Prophetic Fire
E185.96 .W47 2014
The Rise of Chicago’s Black Metropolis, 1920-1929
F548.9 .N4 R445 2011
In Remembrance of Emmett Till: Regional Stories and Media
Responses to the Black Freedom Struggle
E184.93 .M5 M24
A Decisive Decade: an Insider’s View of the Chicago Civil Rights Movement During the 1960s
F548.9 .N4 M34 2013
Malcolm X at Oxford Union: Racial Politics in a Global Era
BP223 .Z8 L57163 2014
The March on Washington: Jobs, Freedom, and the Forgotten
History of Civil Rights
F200 .J66 2013
This is the Day: the March on Washington
F200 .F74 2013
This Nonviolent Stuff’ll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement
E185.61 .C633 2014
The Freedom Summer Murders
E185.93 .M6 M58 2014x
The Black Revolution on Campus
LC781 .B38 2012
Some of My Best Friends Are Black: the Strange Story of
Integration in America
E184 .A1 C537
African American Genealogical
E185.96 .A444 1995
African-American Religious Leaders: A-Z of African Americans
BL72 .A27 2003
Encyclopedia of African American
E185 .E544 2010
Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History: the Black Experience in the Americas
E185 .E54 2006
Facts on File Encyclopedia of Black Women in America
E185.96 .F2 1997
The Harlem Renaissance: a Gale Critical Companion
PS153 .N5 H245 2003
Icons of African American Literature: the Black Literary World
PS153 .N5 I33 2011
Icons of African American Protest: Trailblazing Activists of the Civil Rights Movement
E185.96 .K56 2009
International Dictionary of Black Composers
ML105 .I5 1999
Notable Black American Men
E185.86 .N68 1999
The Routledge Atlas of African American
E185 .E125 2000
Timelines of African American
500 Years of Black Achievement
E185 .C86 1994
Who’s Who Among African
E185.96 .W521x
Professor David S Bell has released the new titles list for books, DVDs, music scores, CDs, maps, reference works, and electronic materials for January 2015.
A monthly feature of the Booth library Website, The list conveniently organizes materials into different locations and media types.
The new titles are listed by their call number. You can review new titles for each month dating back years. Another feature of the page is the link to a specialized search box that allows you to retrieve new items based on the search categories you select.
Here are the results of new titles added in January for…
Like last year, Booth Library most likely will not receive any federal tax forms in print. Instruction booklets for forms 1040, 1040-A, and 1040-EZ will not be available at Booth, but you can download instructions at www.irs.gov. You can also view and download forms and order tax products by mail.
Alternatively, you can call 1 (800) 829-3676 to order tax products by mail.
Darwin Day is February 12th, the date of birth of Charles Darwin in the year 1809, at Shrewsbury, England. On this date, and throughout the month, people from all over the world are honoring the life, work and influence of Charles Darwin with events and activities which celebrate science and our shared humanity. Join in the events and celebrate the adventure of science, and the ‘passion to know’ that drives us to inquire, explore and discover what this world is all about. All events are free and open to the public.
Ancient Bodies, Modern Lives: How Evolution Has Shaped Women’s Health
RA778 .T673 2010
Cooperation in Primates and Humans: Mechanisms and Evolution
QL737 .P9 C664 2006
Defending the Cavewoman: and Other Tales of Evolutionary Neurology
RC359 .K578 2000
Diseases and Human Evolution
RA651 .B365 2005
Evolutionary Aspects of Nutrition and Health: Diet, Exercise, Genetics, and Chronic Disease
QP141.A1 W59 v.84
Feeding Ecology in Apes and Other Primates: Ecological, physical and behavioral aspects
QL737.P9 F373 2006
Human Evolutionary
Genetics: Origins,
Peoples & Disease
QH431 .J53 2004
Individual Development and Evolution: the Genesis of Novel Behavior
QH438.5 .G68 1992
Primate and Human Evolution
QL737 .P9 C33 2006
Primate Behavior and the Emergence of Human Culture
GN280.7 .L36
Primate Behavioral Ecology
QL737 .P9 S764 2003x
Primate Ecology and Conservation: a handbook of techniques
QL737 .P9 P672338 2013
Primate Ethnographies
QL737.P9 P672456 2014
Primate Ethology
QL785.5 .P7 M6x
Primate Origins of Human Cognition and Behavior
QL737 .P9 M345 2001
Primate Tourism: a tool for conservation?
G156.6 E26
Sex, Genes & Rock ‘n’ Roll: How Evolution Has Shaped the Modern World
GN281 .B764 2011b
Shaping Primate Evolution
QL737 .P9 S453 2004
The Socioecology of Adult Female Patas Monkeys and Vervets in Kenya
QL737 .P93 P78 2009
The Third Chimpanzee: the Evolution and Future of the Human Animal
GN281 .D53 1992
Western Diseases: an Evolutionary Perspective
RB152 .P655 2008
World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics
QP141 .A1 W59 v.84
Are We Still Evolving?
GN281 .A74 2011 .DVD
Chimpanzees Today
QL737 .P96 C452 2005x .DVD
Horizon / The Ape that Took Over the World
GN283.25 .H67 2003x .DVD
Human Life
GN281 .H852x 2005 .DVD
Project Nim
QL737 .P96 P762 2012x .DVD
Walking with Cavemen
GN284 .H65 2003x .DVD
Hominid evolution 1: The early stages
Hominid Evolution 2: The Genus Homo
click to stream
World: a television history: chapter 1, Human Origins (10,000,000 B.C.E. – 8,000 B.C.E.) (1985)
a series based on the Times Atlas of World History
click to stream
Chimpanzees today (also available as a DVD)
click to stream
The list is curated by Kirstin Duffin, Librarian for Biology, Chemistry, Geology and Geography.
Guest lecturer Dr. Jill Pruetz, Iowa State University – Department of Anthropology, (who will present “Life on the Savana.” in Doudna Lecture Hall at 7:00 pm on Monday February 9), authored the above listed book Socioecology of adult female patas monkeys and vervets in Kenya (2009) . Dr. Pruetz also authored the following book chapters: “Feeding ecology of savanna chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Fongoli, Senegal” in Feeding Ecology in Apes and Other Primates: Ecological, physical and behavioral aspects (2006), and the chapter “Studying Apes in a human landscape” in Primate Ethnographies (2013).
Guest lecturer Dr. Michael Muehlenbein, Indiana University – Department of Anthropology, (who will present “Hormones, Health, and Life Histories” in Doudna Lecture Hall at 5:00 pm on Tuesday February 10), authored the chapters “Considering risks of pathogen transmission associated with primate-based tourism” in Primate tourism: a tool for conservation? (2014) and “Health assessment and epidemiology” in Primate ecology and conservation: a handbook of techniques (2013). Both of these books are also listed above.
Accompanying the Book and DVD display is this collection of skulls from the EIU Biology Department
During January, Booth Library acquired and cataloged 2,197 new items. The list can be viewed here. The list is arranged by location: Ballenger Teachers’ Center, Books, Electronic Resources, Illinois and Federal Documents, Maps, Media, Reference Collection, Special Collections and University Archives. The titles are listed by call number within each location. Please contact Karen Whisler, head of Collection Development, at 581-7551 or klwhisler@eiu.edu if you have questions.
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