African American History Month at EIU
Posted on February 4th, 2016

Events to celebrate African American History Month are underway at EIU. Booth Library is celebrating with a selection of books on display in the 3000 level hallway. Read more about aspects of African American culture and attend some of the events on campus.
These print books are available to be checked out, but there are full online encyclopedias of African American Culture and History available at your fingertips.
- American Cocktail: A “colored Girl” in the World
- Reynolds, Anita Thompson Dickinson, 1901-1980.
- E185.97.R49 A3 2014
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- American Slavery: A Very Short Introduction
- Williams, Heather Andrea.
- E441 .W723 2014
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- Black Revolution on Campus
- Biondi, Martha,
- LC2781 .B38 2012
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- Cultural Matrix: Understanding Black Youth
- E185.86 .C978 2015
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- Emmett Till: The Murder That Shocked the World and Propelled the Civil Rights Movement
- Anderson, Devery S.
- HV6465.M7 A63 2015
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- Fear Of a Hip-hop Planet: America’s New Dilemma
- Jones, D. Marvin.
- E185.86 .J647 2013
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- Forgotten Sisterhood: Pioneering Black Women Educators and Activists in the Jim Crow South
- McCluskey, Audrey T.
- LA2311 .M33 2014x
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- Hip Hop Movement: From R & B and the Civil Rights Movement to Rap and the Hip Hop Generation
- Rabaka, Reiland, 1972-
- ML3479 .R28 2013
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- Joe, the Slave Who Became an Alamo Legend
- Jackson, Ron, 1966-
- F390.J64 J33 2015
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- Later Novels
- Baldwin, James, 1924-1987,
- PS3552.A45 A6 2015x
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- Lines Of Descent: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Emergence Of Identity
- Appiah, Anthony.
- LB875.D83 A67 2014
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- Loneliness Of the Black Republican: Pragmatic Politics and the Pursuit Of Power
- Wright Rigueur, Leah, 1981-
- E185.615 .W795 2015
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- Oberlin, Hotbed Of Abolitionism: College, Community, and the Fight for Freedom and Equality in Antebellum America
- Morris, J. Brent,
- F499.O2 M67 2014
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- On Highway 61: Music, Race, and the Evolution Of Cultural Freedom
- McNally, Dennis,
- ML3479 .M36 2014
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- Picturing Frederick Douglass: An Illustrated Biography Of the Nineteenth Century’s Most Photographed American
- Stauffer, John, 1965-
- E449.D75 S733 2015
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- Place, Not Race: A New Vision Of Opportunity in America
- Cashin, Sheryll.
- LC213.52 .C38 2014
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- Some Of My Best Friends Are Black: The Strange Story Of Integration in America
- Colby, Tanner.
- E184.A1 C537 2012
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- This Is the Day: The March on Washington
- Freed, Leonard.
- F200 .F74 2013
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- Undaunted by the Fight: Spelman College and the Civil Rights Movement, 1957/1967
- Lefever, Harry G.
- F294.A89 N445 2005
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- Ward Allen, Savannah River Market Hunter
- Cay, John Eugene.
- F294.S2 C29 2014x
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- We Could Not Fail: The First African Americans in the Space Program
- Paul, Richard, 1959-
- TL521.312 .P39 2015
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- What Is Your Race?: The Census and Our Flawed Efforts to Classify Americans
- Prewitt, Kenneth.
- E184.A1 P725 2013
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- Who Freed the Slaves?: The Fight over the Thirteenth Amendment
- Richards, Leonard L.,
- KF4545.S5 R53 2015
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- Who We Be: The Colorization Of America
- Chang, Jeff.
- E184.A1 C4425 2014
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