The night sky and far, far beyond
Posted on August 25th, 2016
Miss the Perseid meteor shower this year? Swing into Booth for a stunning exhibit in the North foyer on mounted by Booth’s Physics Librarian David Bell and Physics Professor Steve Daniels.
Pictured: The Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope, which contributed to the discovery that the expansion of the universe is speeding up, not slowing down. The KAIT telescope was refurbished by EIU’s Robert Holmes and his physics students.
Professor Bell has curated this list of Astronomy titles from Booth collection, also on display in the 3rd floor corridor.
- Archives Of the Universe: A Treasury Of Astronomy’s Historic Works Of Discovery
- QB15 .A75 2004
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- Astronomy Revolution: 400 Years Of Exploring the Cosmos
- New Vision 400 (2008 : Beijing, China)
- QB15 .N486 2012
- summary | details
- Big Splat, Or, How Our Moon Came to Be
- Mackenzie, Dana.
- QB581 .M335 2003x
- summary | details
- Black Holes: A Traveler’s Guide
- Pickover, Clifford A.
- QB843.B55 P53 1996
- summary | details
- Black Holes: An Introduction
- Raine, Derek J., 1946-
- QB843.B55 R35 2010
- summary | details
- Book Nobody Read: Chasing the Revolutions Of Nicolaus Copernicus
- Gingerich, Owen.
- QB41 .G38 2004
- summary | details
- Cambridge Concise History Of Astronomy
- QB15 .C35 1999x
- summary | details
- Carl Sagan: A Life
- Davidson, Keay.
- QB36.S15 D38 1999
- summary | details
- Carl Sagan: A Life in the Cosmos
- Poundstone, William.
- QB36.S15 P68 1999
- summary | details
- Case for Pluto: How a Little Planet Made a Big Difference
- Boyle, Alan, 1954-
- QB701 .B69 2010
- summary | details
- Case Of Galileo: A Closed Question?
- Fantoli, Annibale, 1924-
- QB36.G2 F2613 2012
- summary | details
- Cosmos: An Illustrated History Of Astronomy and Cosmology
- North, John David.
- QB15 .N67 2008
- summary | details
- Dark Energy: Observational and Theoretical Approaches
- QB791.3 .D366 2010
- summary | details
- Deep-sky Observing: The Astronomical Tourist
- Coe, Steven R., 1949-
- QB64 .C597 2000
- summary | details
- Defending Planet Earth: Near-earth-object Surveys and Hazard Mitigation Strategies
- National Research Council (U.S.). Committee to Review Near-Earth-Object Surveys and Hazard Mitigation Strategies.
- QB741 .N373 2010x
- summary | details
- Discoverers Of the Universe: William and Caroline Herschel
- Hoskin, Michael A.
- QB35 .H75 2011
- summary | details
- Exploring Mars: Chronicles from a Decade Of Discovery
- Hubbard, Scott, 1948-
- QB643 .H83 2011
- summary | details
- Galactic Supermassive Black Hole
- Melia, Fulvio.
- QB843.B55 M45 2007x
- summary | details
- Galileo: Watcher Of the Skies
- Wootton, David, 1952-
- QB36.G2 W66 2010
- summary | details
- Galileo’s Daughter: A Historical Memoir Of Science, Faith, and Love
- Sobel, Dava.
- QB36.G2 S65 1999
- summary | details
- Galileo’s Muse: Renaissance Mathematics and the Arts
- Peterson, Mark A., 1946-
- QB36.G2 P48 2011
- summary | details
- Giant Telescopes: Astronomical Ambition and the Promise Of Technology
- McCray, Patrick (W. Patrick)
- QB90 .M33 2004
- summary | details
- Kepler’s Witch: An Astronomer’s Discovery Of Cosmic Order Amid Religious War, Political Intrigue, and the Heresy Trial Of His Mother
- Connor, James A.
- QB36.K4 C66 2004
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- Life and Death Of Stars
- Lang, Kenneth R.
- QB806 .L36 2013
- summary | details
- Mars Up Close: Inside the Curiosity Mission
- Kaufman, Marc,
- QB641 .K24 2014
- summary | details
- Mirror Earth: The Search for Our Planet’s Twin
- Lemonick, Michael D., 1953-
- QB820 .L46 2012
- summary | details
- Moon: A Brief History
- Brunner, Bernd, 1964-
- QB581 .B78 2010
- summary | details
- Passion for Mars: Intrepid Explorers Of the Red Planet
- Chaikin, Andrew, 1956-
- QB641 .C425 2008
- summary | details
- Probing the New Solar System
- Wilkinson, John, Prof.
- QB501 .W55 2009
- summary | details
- Science Before Socrates: Parmenides, Anaxagoras, and the New Astronomy
- Graham, Daniel W.
- QB21 .G73 2013
- summary | details
- Strange New Worlds: The Search for Alien Planets and Life Beyond Our Solar System
- Jayawardhana, Ray.
- QB820 .J39 2011
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- Sun Kings: The Unexpected Tragedy Of Richard Carrington and the Tale Of How Modern Astronomy Began
- Clark, Stuart (Stuart G.)
- QB35 .C53 2007x
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- To Measure the Sky: An Introduction to Observational Astronomy
- Chromey, Frederick R., 1944-
- QB145 .C525 2010
- summary | details
Years of Struggle, History, Leaders, Activists
Posted on August 25th, 2016
In support of the fall 2016 exhibit and programs “For All the World To See: Visual Culture and the Struggle for Civil Rights” Booth librarians have gathered several reference titles focused on African American History and civil rights. They are currently on display in the reference corridor on the 3rd floor of Booth.
- African American Films Through 1959: A Comprehensive, Illustrated Filmography
- Richards, Larry, 1950-
- PN1995.9.N4 R54 1998
- summary | details
- African American Years
- Stepto, Gabriel.
- E185 .S797 2003
- summary | details
- African-american Atlas: Black History and Culture–an Illustrated Reference
- Asante, Molefi Kete, 1942-
- E185 .A79 1998
- summary | details
- Black America: A State-by-state Historical Encyclopedia
- E185 .B537 2011
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- Black America: A State-by-state Historical Encyclopedia
- E185 .B537 2011
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- Black Firsts: 4,000 Ground-breaking and Pioneering Historical Events
- E185 .B574 2003
- summary | details
- Chronology Of African-american History: Significant Events and People from 1619 to the Present
- Hornsby, Alton.
- E185 .H64 1991
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African American Actresses in Film and Television
- McCann, Bob, 1948-2009.
- PN1995.9.N4 M345 2010
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African American History
- E185 .E544 2010
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African American History
- E185 .E544 2010
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African American History
- E185 .E544 2010
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African American Politics
- Smith, Robert C. (Robert Charles), 1947-
- E185 .S58155 2003
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African American Society
- E185 .E546 2005
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African American Society
- E185 .E546 2005
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African-american Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas
- E185 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African-american Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas
- E185 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African-american Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas
- E185 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African-american Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas
- E185 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African-american Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas
- E185 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African-american Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas
- E185 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of Slave Resistance and Rebellion
- E447 .E53 2007
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of Slave Resistance and Rebellion
- E447 .E53 2007
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- Encyclopedia Of the Great Black Migration
- E185.6 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of the Great Black Migration
- E185.6 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of the Great Black Migration
- E185.6 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Greenwood Encyclopedia Of African American Civil Rights: From Emancipation to the Twenty-first Century
- E185.61 .E54 2003
- summary | details
- Greenwood Encyclopedia Of African American Civil Rights: From Emancipation to the Twenty-first Century
- E185.61 .E54 2003
- summary | details
- Icons Of African American Protest: Trailblazing Activists Of the Civil Rights Movement
- Knight, Gladys L., 1974-
- E185.96 .K56 2009
- summary | details
- Icons Of African American Protest: Trailblazing Activists Of the Civil Rights Movement
- Knight, Gladys L., 1974-
- E185.96 .K56 2009
- summary | details
- Landmarks Of African American History
- Horton, James Oliver.
- E185 .H6444 2005
- summary | details
- Routledge Atlas Of African American History
- Earle, Jonathan Halperin.
- E185 .E125 2000
- summary | details
- Timelines Of African-american History: 500 Years Of Black Achievement
- Cowan, Thomas Dale.
- E185 .C86 1994
- summary | details
- Traveler’s Guide to the Civil Rights Movement
- Carrier, Jim, 1944-
- E185.61 .C267 2004
- summary | details
- Underground Railroad: An Encyclopedia Of People, Places, and Operations
- Snodgrass, Mary Ellen.
- E450 .S65 2008
- summary | details
- Underground Railroad: An Encyclopedia Of People, Places, and Operations
- Snodgrass, Mary Ellen.
- E450 .S65 2008
- summary | details
- Untold Glory: African Americans in Pursuit Of Freedom, Opportunity, and Achievement
- Govenar, Alan B., 1952-
- E185.96 .G68 2006
- summary | details
- W.e.b. Du Bois: An Encyclopedia
- E185.97.D73 W164 2001
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Fall Book Sale
Posted on August 19th, 2016
Booth Library will host its fall book sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 21 outside the south entrance of the library.
A large selection of books in all subject areas and hundreds of paperback fiction titles will be available for purchase. All items have been donated by the campus and local communities.
Library staff requests no sales in advance. The proceeds from the sale are used to enhance library programs and services.
In case of inclement weather, the sale will be postponed. For the latest information on scheduling, check this website or find Booth Library on Facebook or Twitter.
Learn about your library — take a tour!
Posted on August 17th, 2016
Eastern students, faculty and staff members are encouraged to take a tour of Booth Library and find out what the library has to offer.
Twenty-minute tours will be offered regularly during the first four weeks of the semester. There’s no need to sign up; just come to the north lobby of the library to join in any of the tours Monday through Thursday. Tours will be offered at 10 a.m., 1 and 5 p.m. Aug. 22-Sept. 15.
Tours are also offered by appointment. Contact a reference librarian at 581-6072 to schedule a tour.
During the fall semester, Booth Library’s regular hours will be from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and noon to 1 a.m. Sunday. For more information on the library, call 581-6072 or find the library on Facebook or Twitter.
Guitars, recording equipment available
Posted on August 17th, 2016
Guitar and keyboard players have new software and equipment options at Booth Library.
The library offers two Yamaha digital pianos and two electric guitars for use inside the library’s music rehearsal rooms. The keyboards and guitars are connected to a computer, allowing users to record a rehearsal session for review or make a multi-track recording.
In addition to the instruments, advanced amplifier emulator software is available for guitars. Players can choose from 64 amplifiers, 77 cabinets and 113 effects.
“It’s not terribly practical to carry a guitar all over campus, especially in the rain,” said Stacey Knight-Davis, head of the Library Technology Services department. “Having guitars available in the library lets students squeeze in some extra practice time between classes without risking damage to their instrument or back.”
However, patrons are welcome to bring their own. Any guitar equipped with a standard quarter- inch input jack can be connected to the computer, which is equipped with software that allows patrons to slow the tempo of recorded music while preserving the pitch.
The library’s sheet music and CD collection is located on the fourth floor. Sheet music, instructional music books and CDs can be checked out, or patrons can try them out in a rehearsal room before they check them out for home use.
Those interested in starting to play guitar or piano are welcome to come in to the library to try either instrument. Several books on learning to play are available. Please click here for a list of instructional books. An electric guitar, headphone amplifier and tuner may be checked out for four weeks.
Funding for the guitars and software was provided by a Redden grant from the EIU Foundation.
Pokémon GO: Read and Play
Posted on August 3rd, 2016

A zubat flutters around on the 1000 level of the library near the compact shelving.
A new wave of Pokémania has swept the world with the July 2016 release of Pokémon GO. The game has been downloaded over 75 million times. If you are not familiar with Pokémon Go, please see the Vox article
“Pokémon Go, explained in fewer than 400 words.”
Pokémon GO is an augmented reality game, and Booth Library offers several electronic books on augmented reality.
Click to go to Augmented Reality ebooks.
Pokémon GO comes 20 years after the release of the first Pokémon video game in 1996. The Pokémon concept was soon adapted to trading card games, manga, and anime. The books collected here provide background reading on gaming culture and Japanese animation.
- Anime: A History
- Clements, Jonathan, 1971-
- NC1766.J3 C528 2013
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- Anime Encyclopedia: A Guide to Japanese Animation Since 1917
- Clements, Jonathan, 1971-
- NC1766.J3 C53 2001
- summary | details
- Anime Explosion!: The What? Why? & Wow! Of Japanese Animation
- Drazen, Patrick.
- NC1766.J3 D73 2003x
- summary | details
- Anime from Akira to Howl’s Moving Castle: Experiencing Contemporary Japanese Animation
- Napier, Susan Jolliffe.
- NC1766.J3 N36 2005
- summary | details
- From Impressionism to Anime: Japan As Fantasy and Fan Cult in the Mind Of the West
- Napier, Susan Jolliffe.
- NC1766.J3 N38 2007
- summary | details
- Game Boys: Professional Videogaming’s Rise from the Basement to the Big Time
- Kane, Michael.
- GV1469.17.S63 K36 2008
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- Game Cultures: Computer Games As New Media
- Dovey, Jon.
- GV1469.17.S63 D68 2006
- summary | details
- Gaming: Essays on Algorithmic Culture
- Galloway, Alexander R., 1974-
- GV1469.34.S63 G35 2006
- summary | details
- Gaming in Social, Locative, and Mobile Media
- Hjorth, Larissa,
- GV1469.17.S63 H58 2014
- summary | details
- Golden Age Of Video Games: The Birth Of a Multi-billion Dollar Industry
- Dillon, Roberto.
- GV1469.3 .D55 2011
- summary | details
- GPS Declassified: From Smart Bombs to Smartphones
- Easton, Richard D.
- G109.5 .E37 2013
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- Hayao Miyazaki: Master Of Japanese Animation: Films, Themes, Artistry
- McCarthy, Helen, 1951-
- NC1766.J32 M5786 1999
- summary | details
- Japanese Animation: Time out Of Mind
- Robinson, Chris, 1967-
- NC1766.J3 R63 2010
- summary | details
- Japanification Of Children’s Popular Culture: From Godzilla to Miyazaki
- HQ792.U56 J37 2009
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- Playing the Past: History and Nostalgia in Video Games
- GV1469.3 .P483 2008
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- Rough Guide to Anime
- Richmond, Simon.
- NC1766.J3 R53 2009x
- summary | details
- Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies
- GV1469.3 .R67 2014
- summary | details
- State Of Play: Creators and Critics on Video Game Culture
- GV1469.34.S52 S73 2015
- summary | details
- Thinking About Video Games: Interviews with the Experts
- Heineman, David S.
- GV1469.3 .H45 2015
- summary | details
- Understanding Video Games: The Essential Introduction
- Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Simon.
- GV1469.3 .E44 2008
- summary | details
- Video Game Debate: Unravelling the Physical, Social, and Psychological Effects Of Digital Games
- GV1469.3 .V5225 2016
- summary | details
- Video Games Guide: 1,000+ Arcade, Console and Computer Games, 1962-2012
- Fox, Matt, 1972-
- GV1469.3 .F68 2013
- summary | details
- Vintage Games: An Insider Look at the History Of Grand Theft Auto, Super Mario, and the Most Influential Games Of All Time
- Loguidice, Bill.
- GV1469.3 .L64 2009
- summary | details
Pokémon GO: Read and Play
Posted on August 2nd, 2016

A zubat flutters around on the 1000 level of the library near the compact shelving.
A new wave of Pokémania has swept the world with the July 2016 release of Pokémon GO. The game has been downloaded over 75 million times. If you are not familiar with Pokémon Go, please see the Vox article
“Pokémon Go, explained in fewer than 400 words.”
Pokémon GO is an augmented reality game, and Booth Library offers several electronic books on augmented reality.
Click to go to Augmented Reality ebooks.
Pokémon GO comes 20 years after the release of the first Pokémon video game in 1996. The Pokémon concept was soon adapted to trading card games, manga, and anime. The books collected here provide background reading on gaming culture and Japanese animation.
- Anime: A History
- Clements, Jonathan, 1971-
- NC1766.J3 C528 2013
- summary | details
- Anime Encyclopedia: A Guide to Japanese Animation Since 1917
- Clements, Jonathan, 1971-
- NC1766.J3 C53 2001
- summary | details
- Anime Explosion!: The What? Why? & Wow! Of Japanese Animation
- Drazen, Patrick.
- NC1766.J3 D73 2003x
- summary | details
- Anime from Akira to Howl’s Moving Castle: Experiencing Contemporary Japanese Animation
- Napier, Susan Jolliffe.
- NC1766.J3 N36 2005
- summary | details
- From Impressionism to Anime: Japan As Fantasy and Fan Cult in the Mind Of the West
- Napier, Susan Jolliffe.
- NC1766.J3 N38 2007
- summary | details
- Game Boys: Professional Videogaming’s Rise from the Basement to the Big Time
- Kane, Michael.
- GV1469.17.S63 K36 2008
- summary | details
- Game Cultures: Computer Games As New Media
- Dovey, Jon.
- GV1469.17.S63 D68 2006
- summary | details
- Gaming: Essays on Algorithmic Culture
- Galloway, Alexander R., 1974-
- GV1469.34.S63 G35 2006
- summary | details
- Gaming in Social, Locative, and Mobile Media
- Hjorth, Larissa,
- GV1469.17.S63 H58 2014
- summary | details
- Golden Age Of Video Games: The Birth Of a Multi-billion Dollar Industry
- Dillon, Roberto.
- GV1469.3 .D55 2011
- summary | details
- GPS Declassified: From Smart Bombs to Smartphones
- Easton, Richard D.
- G109.5 .E37 2013
- summary | details
- Hayao Miyazaki: Master Of Japanese Animation: Films, Themes, Artistry
- McCarthy, Helen, 1951-
- NC1766.J32 M5786 1999
- summary | details
- Japanese Animation: Time out Of Mind
- Robinson, Chris, 1967-
- NC1766.J3 R63 2010
- summary | details
- Japanification Of Children’s Popular Culture: From Godzilla to Miyazaki
- HQ792.U56 J37 2009
- summary | details
- Playing the Past: History and Nostalgia in Video Games
- GV1469.3 .P483 2008
- summary | details
- Rough Guide to Anime
- Richmond, Simon.
- NC1766.J3 R53 2009x
- summary | details
- Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies
- GV1469.3 .R67 2014
- summary | details
- State Of Play: Creators and Critics on Video Game Culture
- GV1469.34.S52 S73 2015
- summary | details
- Thinking About Video Games: Interviews with the Experts
- Heineman, David S.
- GV1469.3 .H45 2015
- summary | details
- Understanding Video Games: The Essential Introduction
- Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Simon.
- GV1469.3 .E44 2008
- summary | details
- Video Game Debate: Unravelling the Physical, Social, and Psychological Effects Of Digital Games
- GV1469.3 .V5225 2016
- summary | details
- Video Games Guide: 1,000+ Arcade, Console and Computer Games, 1962-2012
- Fox, Matt, 1972-
- GV1469.3 .F68 2013
- summary | details
- Vintage Games: An Insider Look at the History Of Grand Theft Auto, Super Mario, and the Most Influential Games Of All Time
- Loguidice, Bill.
- GV1469.3 .L64 2009
- summary | details