Fly the Win flag
Posted on October 28th, 2016
The Cubs are in the World Series, didja here? We’ve put up a short list of Cubs and baseball related books in Booth. Stop by the 3000 Corridor to check them out.
- 365 Oddball Days in Chicago Cubs History
- Snyder, John, 1951-
- GV875.C6 S67 2009
- summary | details
- Baseball: An Illustrated History
- Ward, Geoffrey C.
- GV863.A1 W37 2010
- summary | details
- Before the Curse: The Chicago Cubs’ Glory Years, 1870-1945
- GV875.C6 B44 2012
- summary | details
- Chicago Cubs: Tinker to Evers to Chance
- Ahrens, Art, 1949-
- GV875.C6 A368 2007
- summary | details
- Chicago Cubs, 1926-1940
- Ahrens, Art, 1949-
- GV875.C6 A366 2005
- summary | details
- Cubs Journal: Year by Year & Day by Day with the Chicago Cubs Since 1876
- Snyder, John, 1951-
- GV875.C6 S69 2008x
- summary | details
- I-55 Series: Cubs Vs. Cardinals
- Castle, George.
- GV875.C6 C28 1999
- summary | details
- Miracle Collapse: The 1969 Chicago Cubs
- Feldmann, Doug, 1970-
- GV875.C6 F44 2006
- summary | details
- Waiting for the Cubs: The 2008 Season, the Hundred-year Slump and One Fan’s Lifelong Vigil
- Sullivan, Floyd.
- GV875.C6 S88 2010
- summary | details
- Wrigley Field’s Last World Series: The Wartime Chicago Cubs and the Pennant Of 1945
- Billington, Charles N., 1948-
- GV875.C6 B55 2005
- summary | details
- Wrigley Blues: The Year the Cubs Played Hardball with the Curse (but Lost Anyway)
- Wagner, William J., 1964-
- GV875.C6 W34 2005
- summary | details
Posted on October 26th, 2016
Booth Librarian Steve Brantley has selected a number of titles on the subject of fear, monsters and the monstrous in literature and film. The selections span a range from Beowulf and Bela Lugosi, to special effects makeup and “fantastic victoriana.” Most of the books are on display and available for checkout on the 3000 level corridor, but a few are e-books, accessible right here (see below).
The full catalog list can be retrieved using the tag “monstrous” whenever you are viewing any one of the catalog records.
Any EIU library user can view a selected list of electronic encyclopedia entries from our collection of hundreds of reference e-books.
Monsters from: Gaster, Theodor H. “Monsters.” Encyclopedia of Religion. Ed. Lindsay Jones. 2nd ed. Vol. 9. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 6163-6166. Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Dragons from: Grottanelli, Cristiano. “Dragons.” Encyclopedia of Religion. Ed. Lindsay Jones. 2nd ed. Vol. 4. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 2430-2434. Gale Virtual Reference Library
Horror Films from: “Horror Films.” Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film. Ed. Barry Keith Grant. Vol. 2. New York: Schirmer Reference, 2007. 391-399. Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Ghoul from: Bishop, Kyle William. “Ghoul.” Encyclopedia of the Zombie: The Walking Dead in Popular Culture and Myth. Ed. June Michele Pulliam and Anthony J. Fonseca. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood, 2014. 110-111. Gale Virtual Reference Library
Some ebooks to pique your interest:
The Monstrous List
- American Horror Film: The Genre at the Turn Of the Millennium
- PN1995.9.H6 A385 2010
- summary | details
- At Stake: Monsters and the Rhetoric Of Fear in Public Culture
- Ingebretsen, Edward J., 1950-
- P96.M62 U655 2001
- summary | details
- Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Frankenstein
- Adams, Carol J.
- PR5397.F73 A33 2007
- summary | details
- Blood Read: The Vampire As Metaphor in Contemporary Culture
- PS374.V35 B58 1997
- summary | details
- Caligari’s Children: The Film As Tale Of Terror
- Prawer, Siegbert Solomon, 1925-
- PN1995.9.H6 P68 1988
- summary | details
- Classic Movie Monsters
- Glut, Donald F.
- PN1995.9.H6 G57
- summary | details
- Complete Guide to Special Effects Makeup: [conceptual Creations by Japanese Makeup Artists
- PN2068 .C595 2008x
- summary | details
- Critical Companion to Edgar Allan Poe: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work
- Sova, Dawn B.
- PS2630 .S68 2007
- summary | details
- Culture Of Fear: Why Americans Are Afraid Of the Wrong Things
- Glassner, Barry,
- HN59.2 .G58 1999
- summary | details
- Deformed and Destructive Beings: The Purpose Of Horror Films
- Ochoa, George.
- PN1995.9.H6 O25 2011
- summary | details
- Deformed Discourse: The Function Of the Monster in Mediaeval Thought and Literature
- Williams, David (David Eliot), 1939-
- PN56.M55 W56x 1996
- summary | details
- Draw 50 Beasties and Yugglies and Turnover Uglies and Things That Go Bump in the Night
- Ames, Lee J.
- 743 Am371
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of Fantastic Victoriana
- Nevins, Jess.
- PR461 .N48x 2005
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters
- Guiley, Rosemary.
- BF1556 .G86 2005
- summary | details
- Euro Horror: Classic European Horror Cinema in Contemporary American Culture
- Olney, Ian.
- PN1995.9.H6 O46 2013
- summary | details
- Fangoria’s 101 Best Horror Movies You’ve Never Seen: A Celebration Of the World’s Most Unheralded Fright Flicks
- Lukeman, Adam.
- PN1995.9.H6 L84 2003
- summary | details
- Frankenstein: A Cultural History
- Hitchcock, Susan Tyler.
- PR5397 .H58 2007
- summary | details
- Frankenstein, Or, the Modern Prometheus
- Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851.
- PR5397 .F7 1998c
- summary | details
- From Amazons to Zombies: Monsters in Latin America
- Braham, Persephone,
- PQ7081 .B679 2015
- summary | details
- Generation Zombie: Essays on the Living Dead in Modern Culture
- GR581 .G46 2011
- summary | details
- Gothic Histories: The Taste for Terror, 1764 to the Present
- Bloom, Clive.
- PR830.T3 B57 2010
- summary | details
- Historical Dictionary Of Horror Cinema
- Hutchings, Peter.
- PN1995.9.H6 H836 2008
- summary | details
- History Of Horrors: The Rise and Fall Of the House Of Hammer
- Meikle, Denis.
- PN1999.H3 M45 2001x
- summary | details
- Hollywood Horror Film, 1931-1941: Madness in a Social Landscape
- Humphries, Reynold.
- PN1995.9.H6 H78 2006
- summary | details
- Horror: A Thematic History in Fiction and Film
- Jones, Darryl, 1967-
- PN56.H6 J66 2002x
- summary | details
- Horror Genre: From Beelzebub to Blair Witch
- Wells, Paul, 1961-
- PN1995.9.H6 W455 2000x
- summary | details
- Killing Monsters: Why Children Need Fantasy, Super Heroes, and Make-believe Violence
- Jones, Gerard, 1957-
- P94.5.C55 J66 2002
- summary | details
- Monstrous Nature: Environment and Horror on the Big Screen
- Murray, Robin L.,
- PN1995.9.H6 M875 2016
- summary | details
- Offensive Films
- Brottman, Mikita, 1966-
- PN1995.9.H6 B67 2005
- summary | details
- Reference Guide to Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror
- Burgess, Michael, 1948-
- Z5917.S87 B872002
- summary | details
- Screening the Marquis De Sade: Pleasure, Pain and the Transgressive Body in Film
- Hallam, Lindsay Anne, 1979-
- PN1995.9.H6 H342 2012
- summary | details
- Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and the Technology Of Monsters
- Halberstam, Judith, 1961-
- PR830.T3 H27 1995
- summary | details
- Special Makeup Effects for Stage and Screen: Making and Applying Prosthetics
- Debreceni, Todd.
- PN2068 .D43 2012
- summary | details
- Terror and Everyday Life: Singular Moments in the History Of the Horror Film
- Crane, Jonathan Lake, 1959-
- PN1995.9.H6 C72 1994
- summary | details
- They Suck, They Bite, They Eat, They Kill: The Psychological Meaning Of Supernatural Monsters in Young Adult Fiction
- Bodart, Joni Richards.
- PS374.M544 B63 2012
- summary | details
- Vampire Book: The Encyclopedia Of the Undead
- Melton, J. Gordon.
- BF1556 .M46 2011
- summary | details
Celebrating National Chemistry Week
Posted on October 17th, 2016

Interested in forensic science or the science of art forgery? Embrace the mystique of chemistry with this year’s National Chemistry Week theme, “Solving Mysteries through Chemistry.” NCW 2016 runs Oct 16-22, but the books below will be on display, available for check out, at Booth Library for the next few weeks.
Want more? Read this article on fingerprinting from the Oct 2016 issue of ChemMatters (available free online for a limited time). Also look at this article about detecting art forgery using chemical analysis in the Apr 2011 issue of ChemMatters.
Are you an armchair chemistry enthusiast or looking for a light read? Browse these additional popular science chemistry books, available at Booth Library.
- “oh … It’s Like Csi …”: A Qualitative Study Of Job Satisfaction Experiences Of Forensic Scientists
- Dukes-Robinson, Tharinia,
- HV8073 .D85 2014x
- summary | details
- Art Fakes in America,
- Goodrich, David L.
- N8790 .G63 1973
- summary | details
- Art Of the Faker; Three Thousand Years Of Deception,
- Arnau, Frank, 1894-1976.
- N8790 .S323 1961a
- summary | details
- Blood Evidence: How Dna Is Revolutionizing the Way We Solve Crimes
- Lee, Henry C.
- RA1057.55 .L44 2003x
- summary | details
- C.s.i. Effect
- Ramsland, Katherine M., 1953-
- HV8073 .R26 2006x
- summary | details
- Crime Scene to Court: The Essentials Of Forensic Science
- HV8073 .C6937 2004x
- summary | details
- Dna Fingerprinting: The Ultimate Identity
- Fridell, Ron.
- 614 F912dna
- summary | details
- Fabulous Frauds; Fascinating Tales Of Great Art Forgeries.
- Jeppson, Lawrence.
- N8790 .J4 1970
- summary | details
- Fakes; a Handbook for Collectors and Students.
- Kurz, Otto, 1908-1975.
- N8790 .K8 1948a
- summary | details
- Fingerprints: The Origins Of Crime Detection and the Murder Case That Launched Forensic Science
- Beavan, Colin.
- HV6074 .B34 2001
- summary | details
- Genetic Witness: Science, Law, and Controversy in the Making Of Dna Profiling
- Aronson, Jay D., 1974-
- RA1057.55 .A76 2007
- summary | details
- Identification Division Of the Fbi: A Brief Outline Of the History, Services, and Operating Techniques Of the World’s Largest Repository Of Fingerpri
- United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation.
- HV6074 .U52x
- summary | details
- Joy Of Chemistry: The Amazing Science Of Familiar Things
- Cobb, Cathy.
- QD35 .C56 2005
- summary | details
- Last Alchemist in Paris: & Other Curious Tales from Chemistry
- Öhrström, Lars,
- QD37 .O37 2013x
- summary | details
- Science Of Fingerprints: Classification and Uses.
- HV6074 .S32 1985
- summary | details
- Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-made World
- Miodownik, Mark,
- TA403.2 .M56 2014
- summary | details
- Suspect Identities: A History Of Fingerprinting and Criminal Identification
- Cole, Simon A., 1967-
- HV6074 .C557 2001
- summary | details
- Truth Machine: The Contentious History Of Dna Fingerprinting
- Lynch, Michael, 1948-
- RA1057.55 .L96 2008
- summary | details
- Vanity, Vitality, and Virility: The Science Behind the Products You Love to Buy
- Emsley, John.
- QD75.22 .E47 2004
- summary | details
- What Is Chemistry?
- Atkins, P. W. (Peter William), 1940-
- QD37 .A85 2013
- summary | details
- World Records in Chemistry
- Faust, Rüdiger.
- QD37 .F3813 1999
- summary | details
- Written in Blood: A History Of Forensic Detection
- Wilson, Colin, 1931-2013.
- HV8073 .W5255 2003
- summary | details
LGBTQ History month, DVDs from Booth
Posted on October 16th, 2016
- October is LGBTQ History month. To celebrate, Booth staff member Lee Whitacre has curated a group of feature film and documentary DVDs with LGBTQ subject matter.
If you are interested in finding out more about LGBTQ History, explore some of these Reference books.
Proud Heritage: people, issues, and documents of the LGBT experience: both online and print.
LGBT Rights, in, The Encyclopedia of Religious Conflicts in the United States, online
A list of 54 titles in Booth related to LGBT History
The DVDs:
- Fabulous!: The Story Of Queer Cinema
- PN1995.9.H55 F32x 2006 .DVD
- summary | details
- Trans Generation: [four College Students Switching More Than Their Majors]
- HQ77.7 .T73 2006x .DVD
- summary | details
Thesis research 101
Posted on October 14th, 2016
Mark your calendar!
Library Faculty Steve Brantley, Kirstin Duffin and Ellen Corrigan, in cooperation with the Graduate Student Advisory Council, will again be offering the “Thesis Research 101” workshops.
Workshop 1: Researching the literature
How do I know when I’ve found enough? What are your online research destinations? Identify key journals and key databases in your discipline and learn about alternative online sources for research.
Where: Room 4440 Booth Library (4th floor)
When: Tuesday, October 25 9-10 am
or Wednesday, October 26, 7:30-8:30 pm
Workshop 2: Bibliographic management software
Managing your articles and references efficiently and effectively; creating your Literature Cited section in seconds (really!); understanding software options and features; Mendeley, Zotero and bibliographic management from library databases will be covered.
Where: Room 4440 Booth Library (4th floor)
When: Tuesday, November 8, 9-10 am
or Wednesday November 9, 7:30-8:30 pm
Workshop 3: Preparing your thesis
Document formatting, Writing the abstract, using correct names and professional titles, selecting ‘descriptors’ and ‘author-supplied-keywords’ for optimal discovery, what happens after you turn it in?
Where: Room 4450 Booth Library (4th floor)
When: Tuesday, November 15, 9-10 am
Where: Room 4440 Booth Library (4th floor)
When: Wednesday, November 16, 7:30-8:30 pm
If these times and dates do not fit your schedule workshops are offered each semester. One-on-one consultations are always welcome. Join us at the reference desk or make an appointment:
Freedom Songs of the Civil Rights Movement – music in support of “For All the World To See”
Posted on October 1st, 2016
Library Technology Services staff member Kathy Kuhlig-Carter has curated a selection of books and music from the civil rights era on display on the 4th floor of the library near the “fishbowl” computer lab. Seeger, Hendrix, Dylan, Ochs, Staples, or Simone, you’ll find something inspiring to read or hear. Stop up next time you’re in!
- “when the Spirit Says Sing!”: The Role Of Freedom Songs in the Civil Rights Movement
- Sanger, Kerran L., 1955-
- ML3556 .S26 1995
- summary | details
- Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits
- Dylan, Bob, 1941-
- M1630.18.D94x B61 .CD
- summary | details
- Bob Marley: Soul Rebel: The Stories Behind Every Song, 1962-1981
- Sheridan, Maureen.
- ML420.M3313 S54x 1999
- summary | details
- Chimes Of Freedom the Songs Of Bob Dylan.
- Dylan, Bob, 1941-
- M1630.18.D94x C54 .CD
- summary | details
- Different Drummers: Rhythm and Race in the Americas
- Munro, Martin.
- ML3550 .M86 2010
- summary | details
- Everybody Says Freedom
- Seeger, Pete, 1919-2014.
- ML3550 .S43 1989
- summary | details
- I’ve Been Loving You Too Long and Other Hits
- Redding, Otis, 1941-1967.
- M1630.18.R455 I93x .CD
- summary | details
- Jimi Hendrix: An Illustrated Experience
- Hendrix, Janie.
- ML410.H476 H49 2007 .CD
- summary | details
- Live [hope at the Hideout]
- Staples, Mavis.
- M1630.18.S726x L58 .CD
- summary | details
- Nina Simone Live in ’65 & ’68
- Simone, Nina, 1933-2003.
- M1630.18.S5616x L58 .DVD
- summary | details
- Original Guitar Hero and the Power Of Music: The Legendary Lonnie Johnson, Music, and Civil Rights
- Alger, Dean,
- ML419.J625 A44 2014
- summary | details
- Racial Uplift and American Music, 1878-1943
- Schenbeck, Lawrence.
- ML3556 .S37 2012
- summary | details
- Sing for Freedom: The Story Of the Civil Rights Movement Through Its Songs
- M1977.C47 S56 1990
- summary | details
- Voices Of the Civil Rights Movement Black American Freedom Songs, 1960-1966.
- M1977.C47 V65 1997x .CD
- summary | details
- We Shall Overcome!: Songs Of the Southern Freedom Movement
- M1629.C222x W4
- summary | details
- We’ll Never Turn Back
- Staples, Mavis.
- M1630.18.S726x W44 .CD
- summary | details
- What’s That I Hear? the Songs Of Phil Ochs.
- Ochs, Phil.
- M1630.18.O2 W52x .CD
- summary | details
- World According to John Coltrane
- ML419.C645 W67 2002x .DVD
- summary | details