International Darwin Day Facebook page banner
In Celebration of Darwin Day (February 12, 2017) Booth Library has partnered with the EIU Biological Sciences Department to showcase resources about evolution and to promote the Stephen Jay Gould award for the best student paper. The competition is open to all EIU undergraduate and graduate students from any department. Details regarding the competition can be found on the award page in the Biological Sciences department website.
More information about the award and the official rules.
Charles Darwin biographical overview from the Encyclopedia of World Biography: Charles Robert Darwin. (2004). In Encyclopedia of World Biography (2nd ed., Vol. 4, pp. 397-399). Detroit: Gale.
Stephen Jay Gould biographical overview from the Encyclopedia of World Biography: Stephen Jay Gould. (2004). In Encyclopedia of World Biography (2nd ed., Vol. 6, pp. 472-473). Detroit: Gale.
Link to streaming videos about evolution from Kanopy Streaming and Alexander Street Press.
The books listed below will be on display in the third floor corridor and available to check out until March 20, the deadline for submission to the award committee.
Booth Library patrons now have access to BiblioBoard, featuring Popup Picks, a high profile selection of e-books that changes quarterly, plus additional collections of e-books, audio books, videos and audio files.
There is no limit on simultaneous use; items in these collections can be read by one or 100 patrons at the same time. This means no hold queues and no waiting for titles. The Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) has made these collections available to any Illinois resident.
Booth Library patrons may access BiblioBoard through:
Starting with Popup Picks, create a free profile to access to additional BiblioBoard collections and enable the ability to download content for offline reading and to add bookmarks and notes.
The BiblioBoard platform includes Recovering the Classics, featuring public-domain classics from world literature, with modern cover images; The Bodleian Library collection, featuring items from Oxford University’s Bodleian Library; and The Biblioboard Core collection, featuring articles, images, books, etc., spanning a wide range of topics.
BiblioBoard also offers a selection of audio books; video files featuring music and theater performances, lectures, demonstrations, etc.; and audio files featuring music, lectures and more.
Looking for tax forms? Visit the IRS website and Department of Revenue for the state of Illinois to print out federal and state tax forms: (federal) or (state)
Library patrons may print needed tax forms for free in the reference department. For more information speak with a reference librarian on the main (third) floor of the library.
For more information call 581-6072.
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