This week Booth Library celebrates International Open Access Week. But just what does Open Access mean, and why should we celebrate it?
There are many easily accessible definitions of Open Access available through a quick internet search, some long, some very brief.
When people talk about Open Access, they are not just talking about any free information on the internet. Open Access refers to the products of academic research, such as journal articles, books, scientific reports, and other results of scholarly inquiry which, under historical and contemporary publication practices, been communicated through commercial publishers, or by small (and some large) scholarly societies.
There are many resources to help you learn more about Open Access publishing and
University of Plymouth, England Deputy Vice Chancellor Jerry Roberts shares his thoughts and experience with Open Access Research
Booth Library has begun a pilot project to expand the library’s access to online test preparation materials and study guides. Over the next year, patrons will have access to the full collection of over 1800 ebooks from the Mometrix eLibrary. Materials are available in PDF format and include tips and practice questions to help you prepare for the following:
– Grad school and professional school admissions and placement, such as the GRE, GMAT, LSAT, and MCAT
– Illinois teacher licensure (ILTS) exams
– Nursing knowledge assessments (HESI, NCLEX)
– Other career-related certifications and exams
– And lots more!
For questions, or to provide feedback on the collection, please contact your subject librarian or call the reference desk at 217-581-6072.
Horror Literature through History. (2017). M. Cardin (Ed.), An Encyclopedia of the Stories That Speak to Our Deepest Fears, Vol. 1. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood.
Spooky selections by Booth Library staff guaranteed to make your skin crawl. Enjoy with caution, you may not ever sleep with the light out again!
All of these titles are available for check-out in the main corridor of Booth Library. Take a look at a selection from our huge collection of horror literature and learn more about the genre.
It’s terrifying what a good time you can have with our monster collection of Halloween-y movies @boothlibrary ! We’ve got the Universal and Hammer monsters, recent hits like The Babadook, and Get Out, and classics like Friday the 13th and Alien. Oh, and let’s not forget about the zombies.
International Open Access Week is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, and as part of the celebration Booth Library will host events and feature OA collections.
Open Access Week, Oct. 22-28, 2018, is celebrated globally and provides an opportunity for the academic and research community to learn about open access to information and its potential benefits, and to share what they know with others. Open access is the free and immediate online access to the results of scholarly research.
OA resources take many forms: electronic books, media, journals and open educational resources, such as the Open Textbooks Alliance e-books available from Booth. Eastern Illinois University’s institutional repository, The Keep, coordinated by Booth Library, is open access and shares the scholarly output of EIU faculty with the world.
As part of Open Access Week activities, Booth Library will feature two film screenings, “Paywall: The Business of Scholarship” at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 22, and “The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz” at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 23. Both films will be shown in the Doudna Fine Arts Center Lecture Hall. There is no charge, and the public is invited.
On Thursday, Oct. 25, the public is invited to a brown bag lunch discussion of open educational resources with Lynne Curry (History), Lauri DeRuiter-Willems (Health Promotion) and Stacey Knight-Davis (Booth Library). They will discuss their experiences in teaching with resources that have zero costs for their students. The discussion will be from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Edgar Room of the library.
Throughout the week Booth Library exhibits will feature open access resources and provide information for students, scholars and the community to learn about the open access movement.
Open Access Week activities are co-sponsored by the Faculty Senate Faculty Forum Committee, Center for the Humanities, and the Faculty Development and Innovation Center.
For more information on Open Access Week, contact Steve Brantley, head of Reference at Booth Library, at 581-7542 or
Try-It! Illinois 2018, the annual statewide database trial sponsored by Secretary of State and State Librarian Jesse White and the Illinois State Library, is now available.
Try-It! Illinois offers the opportunity to survey and evaluate a wide variety of electronic resources. Thanks to the partnerships between the Illinois State Library and the participating electronic resource vendors, there is no charge for accessing these databases during Try-It! Illinois. The trial period lasts from Oct. 1 through Nov. 30, 2018.
Vendors include ABC-CLIO, Adam Matthew Digital, Bloomsbury, EBSCO, Oxford University Press, ProQuest , Sage, Salem, Taylor & Francis, and more. To access Try-It! Illinois, please visit the login page at the Booth Library website and enter your EIU netID and password.
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