Booth Library was awarded $18,000 from the National Library of Medicine to implement a health literacy program in the Southeastern region of Illinois.
With the award funding, Booth Library partnered with the EIU Department of Public Health and Health Communication program to create a virtual training module including videos and resources on various health literacy topics. Content was based on the needs of local public libraries and community organizations.
The grant program was led by Stacey Knight-Davis, Booth Library health and nursing librarian; Dr. Lauri DeRuiter-Willems, Department of Public Health and Nutrition; Dr. Beth Gill, School of Communication and Journalism; Kim Ross and Carrie Wennerdahl, digital health literacy coordinators.
A library guide about digital health literacy was created as a result of this program. It can be accessed at
This program was funded by Region 6 of the Network of the National Library of Medicine, whose mission is to provide U.S. researchers, health professionals, public health workforce, educators, and the public with equal access to biomedical and health information resources and data.
This work was supported by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, under Cooperative Agreement number UG4LM013729 with the University of Iowa. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
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