Booth Library has signed on with MIT Press’s Direct to Open (D2O) initiative, joining over 300 libraries in helping fund the Open Access publication of a wide selection of new books from the MIT Press for 2025. Through the D2O program, 80-90 ebooks each year are made available online, free to read by everyone. Open Access is a set of principles and practices to support making access to scholarly materials more inclusive and equitable.
Thanks to Booth’s participation in D2O, our campus now has access to an archive of over 2,700 MIT Press ebooks that would otherwise be paywalled. This new collection covers topics across the social sciences, sciences, and humanities. Check out the new collection online to download and read the ebooks (look for the green Open Access or Available icons). The ebooks are also discoverable through Booth’s online catalog.
Please contact your subject librarian or Sarah Johnson, Head of Collection Management (, with any questions.
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