Celebrating Darwin Day
Posted on January 30th, 2019
A portrait of 31-year-old Charles Darwin
by George Richmond in 1840. [Public domain]
Darwin Day recognizes the achievements and contributions of Charles Darwin to science and humanity each year on his birthday, February 12. Events commemorating Darwin take place internationally, including at Eastern Illinois University. This year at EIU, events will be held Feb 10-12 and will include a film and panel discussion and two guest lectures. All events are free and open to the public.
The DNA Tale of Where We Came From and Who We Are
Film and panel discussion
Sunday, February 10 at 7:00 p.m.
Doudna Fine Arts Center Lecture Hall
Paleogenomics, Community Engagement and the Evolutionary Histories of Indigenous Peoples of North America
Guest lecture by Dr. Ripan Malhi, Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Monday, February 11 at 7:00 p.m.
Doudna Fine Arts Center Lecture Hall
Ten Thousand Years of Evolution: What Ancient DNA Has Taught Us about Ancestry and Natural Selection in Europe
Guest lecture by Dr. Iain Mathieson, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Tuesday, February 12 at 7:00 p.m.
Doudna Fine Arts Center Lecture Hall
The mission of International Darwin Day is to inspire people throughout the globe to reflect and act on the principles of intellectual bravery, perpetual curiosity, scientific thinking, and hunger for truth as embodied in Charles Darwin. Are you inspired?
The following books are on display throughout the month of February in the main hallway of Booth Library and are available for check out.
- Brief History Of Everyone Who Ever Lived: The Human Story Retold Through Our Genes
- Rutherford, Adam,
- QH445.2 .R88 2017
- summary | details
- Dna Usa: A Genetic Portrait Of America
- Sykes, Bryan,
- GN290.U6 S95 2012
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- Dna Is Not Destiny: The Remarkable, Completely Misunderstood Relationship Between You and Your Genes
- Heine, Steven J.,
- QH447 .H45 2017
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- Deep Ancestry: Inside the Genographic Project
- Wells, Spencer, 1969-
- QH371 .W45 2006
- summary | details
- Exploring Personal Genomics
- Dudley, Joel T.
- QH447 .D83 2013
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- Human Genetics: The Basics
- Lewis, Ricki.
- QH431 .L41857 2010
- summary | details
- In Pursuit Of the Gene: From Darwin to Dna
- Schwartz, James, 1955-
- QH428 .S24 2008
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- Invisible History Of the Human Race: How Dna and History Shape Our Identities and Our Futures
- Kenneally, Christine,
- RB155 .K458 2015x
- summary | details
- Modern Humans: Their African Origin and Global Dispersal
- Hoffecker, John F.,
- GN281 .H625 2017
- summary | details
- My Beautiful Genome: Exposing Our Genetic Future, One Quirk at a Time
- Frank, Lone, 1966-
- QH447 .F73x 2011
- summary | details
- Seven Daughters Of Eve
- Sykes, Bryan.
- GN289 .S94 2001
- summary | details
- Social Life Of Dna: Race, Reparations, and Reconciliation After the Genome
- Nelson, Alondra,
- E185.625 .N45 2016
- summary | details
- Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient Dna and the New Science Of the Human Past
- Reich, David (Of Harvard Medical School),
- QH431 .R37 2018bx
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- Charles Darwin
- Desmond, Adrian J., 1947-
- QH31.D2 D467 2007
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- Charles Darwin’s Notebooks from the Voyage Of the Beagle
- Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882,
- QH365.Z9 C436 2009x
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- Darwin: A Very Short Introduction
- Howard, Jonathan, 1943-
- QH31.D2 H775 2001
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- Darwin Reader
- Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.
- QH365.D25 D37 1996
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- Darwin’s Backyard: How Small Experiments Led to a Big Theory
- Costa, James T., 1963-
- QH31.D2 C668 2017
- summary | details
- Descent Of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex
- Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.
- QH365 .D2 2004x
- summary | details
- On Natural Selection
- Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.
- QH365 .O2 2005
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- Origin Of Species by Means Of Natural Selection, Or, the Preservation Of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
- Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.
- QH365 .O2 1985x
- summary | details
Cesar Chavez Day, March 31
Posted on April 6th, 2018
Although the annual marker for Cesar Chavez Day is just past, you can still review the informative exhibit in Booth. Here are several titles currently on display and available to check out.
- Art Of Protest: Culture and Activism from the Civil Rights Movement to the Streets Of Seattle
- Reed, T. V. (Thomas Vernon)
- HN90.R3 R395 2005
- summary | details
- Beyond the Fields: Cesar Chavez, the Ufw, and the Struggle for Justice in the 21st Century
- Shaw, Randy, 1956-
- HD6515.A292 U548 2008
- summary | details
- Cesar Chavez: A Biography
- Bruns, Roger A., 1941-
- HD6509.C48 B78 2005
- summary | details
- Cesar Chavez and the Common Sense Of Nonviolence
- Orosco, José-Antonio, 1971-
- HD6509.C48 O76 2008
- summary | details
- César: Sí, Se Puede! Yes, We Can!
- Bernier-Grand, Carmen T.
- 811.54 B457ces
- summary | details
- César Chávez: A Triumph Of Spirit
- Griswold del Castillo, Richard.
- HD6509.C48 G75 1995
- summary | details
- César Chávez and La Causa
- La Botz, Dan.
- HD6509.C48 L3 2006
- summary | details
- César Chávez, the Catholic Bishops, and the Farmworkers’ Struggle for Social Justice
- Prouty, Marco G., 1973-
- HD6509.C48 P76 2006
- summary | details
- Chronology Of Labor in the United States
- Wright, Russell O.
- HD6508 .W74 2003
- summary | details
- Crusades Of Cesar Chavez: A Biography
- Pawel, Miriam, 1958-
- HD6509.C48 P38 2014x
- summary | details
- Dolores Huerta: A Hero to Migrant Workers
- Warren, Sarah E.
- 331.4092 H8714wa
- summary | details
- Everyone Helps, Everyone Wins: How Absolutely Anyone Can Pitch In, Help Out, Give Back, and Make the World a Better Place
- Levinson, David T.
- HN49.V64 L48 2011x
- summary | details
- Farm Workers and Agri-business in California, 1947-1960
- Galarza, Ernesto, 1905-1984.
- HD6515.A292 C33
- summary | details
- Farmers’ and Farm Workers’ Movements: Social Protest in American Agriculture
- Mooney, Patrick H.
- HD6515.A29 M66 1995
- summary | details
- Fight in the Fields: Cesar Chavez and the Farmworkers Movement
- Ferriss, Susan.
- HD6509.C48 F47 1998x
- summary | details
- From the Jaws Of Victory: The Triumph and Tragedy Of Cesar Chavez and the Farm Worker Movement
- García, Matt.
- HD6509.C48 G37 2012
- summary | details
- Latina Activists Across Borders: Women’s Grassroots Organizing in Mexico and Texas
- Peña, Milagros, 1955-
- HN49.W6 P46 2007
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- Migrant Project: Contemporary California Farm Workers
- Nahmias, Rick, 1965-
- HD1527.C2 M54 2008
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- Organized Agriculture and the Labor Movement Before the Ufw: Puerto Rico, Hawai’i, California
- Valdés, Dennis Nodín.
- HD1527.C2 V35 2011
- summary | details
- Side by Side: The Story Of Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez = Lado a Lado: La Historia De Dolores Huerta Y César Chávez
- Brown, Monica, 1969-
- 331.88 B8143si
- summary | details
- Trampling out the Vintage: Cesar Chavez and the Two Souls Of the United Farm Workers
- Bardacke, Frank.
- HD6509.C48 B37 2011
- summary | details
Darwin Day 2018
Posted on February 2nd, 2018
What is Darwin Day?

Charles Darwin in 1881.
Darwin Day is a celebration of Charles Darwin’s birthday with emphasis on his contributions to science. It also recognizes the ongoing work of scientists around the world.
Born on February 12, 1809, Charles Darwin spent his life dedicated to exploration of the world around us. As a biologist, geologist, and naturalist, Darwin’s contributions to the science of evolution were unparalleled.
To learn more about Darwin Day, visit the official website at: http://darwinday.org/
EIU Darwin Day Events

Click to visit an image gallery from PBS American Experience
Join the EIU campus community in a timely examination of the germs and viruses that surround us and the constant battle being waged as we fight to control an evolving enemy. Three campus events will explore influenza and the science of fighting this deadly enemy.
- Sunday, February 11 at 7:00 PM in Doudna Fine Arts Center Lecture Hall
Film: “Influenza 1918 / American Experience / PBS.”
- Monday, February 12 at 7:00 PM in Doudna Fine Arts Center Lecture Hall
Dr. Christopher Byron Brooke, School of Molecular & Cell Biology, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana “An Evolutionary View of Influenza Virus Infection and Control.”
- Tuesday, February 13 at 7:00 PM in Doudna Fine Arts Center Lecture Hall
Dr. Michael Osterholm, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, University of Minnesota “Deadliest Enemies: Our War Against Killer Germs.”
For more information, visit: EIU Darwin Day Events
Please note that all events are FREE and open to the public!

Booth Library Resources
Drop by Booth Library’s display in support of EIU Darwin Day events and check out some of the great resources available on these subjects!
- America’s Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza Of 1918
- Crosby, Alfred W.
- RA644.I6 C76 2003
- summary | details
- Darwin’s on the Origin Of Species: A Modern Rendition
- Duzdevich, Daniel.
- QH366.2 .D89 2014
- summary | details
- Disease: The Extraordinary Stories Behind History’s Deadliest Killers
- Dobson, Mary J.
- RA653 .D63 2007x
- summary | details
- Do Infectious Diseases Pose a Threat?
- RA643 .D595 2014
- summary | details
- Epidemic!: The World Of Infectious Diseases
- RA651 .E596 1999
- summary | details
- Evolution and Medicine
- Perlman, Robert L.,
- RB152 .P475 2013x
- summary | details
- Evolution: The Story Of Life
- Palmer, Douglas.
- QH360.2 .P35 2009
- summary | details
- Evolving: The Human Effect and Why It Matters
- Fairbanks, Daniel J.
- QH360.5 .F24 2012
- summary | details
- Flu: The Story Of the Great Influenza Pandemic Of 1918 and the Search for the Virus That Caused It
- Kolata, Gina Bari, 1948-
- RC150.4 .K64 1999
- summary | details
- Genetics Of Health: Understand Your Genes for Better Health
- Paul, Sharad P.,
- QH431 .P358 2017
- summary | details
- Great Influenza: The Epic Story Of the Deadliest Plague in History
- Barry, John M., 1947-
- RC150.4 .B37 2004
- summary | details
- Infectious Disease: A Scientific American Reader.
- RA643 .I652 2008
- summary | details
- Influenza 1918: The Worst Epidemic in American History
- Iezzoni, Lynette.
- RC150.4 .I39 1999x
- summary | details
- Influenza Pandemic Of 1918-1919: A Brief History with Documents
- Kent, Susan Kingsley, 1952 May 9-
- RA644.I6 K52 2013x
- summary | details
- Killer Germs: Microbes and Diseases That Threaten Humanity
- Zimmerman, Barry E.
- RA643 .Z55 2003
- summary | details
- Microbes and Evolution: The World That Darwin Never Saw
- QR13 .M522 2012
- summary | details
- Natural Defense: Enlisting Bugs and Germs to Protect Our Food and Health
- Monosson, Emily,
- RA601 .M66 2017x
- summary | details
- Origin Of Species by Means Of Natural Selection, Or, the Preservation Of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
- Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.
- QH365 .O2 1985x
- summary | details
- Unnatural History Of Emerging Infections
- Barrett, Ron, 1963-
- RA643 .B377 2013x
- summary | details
- Western Diseases: An Evolutionary Perspective
- Pollard, Tessa M., 1966-
- RB152 .P655 2008
- summary | details
Darwin Day and Stephen Jay Gould award
Posted on February 15th, 2017

International Darwin Day Facebook page banner
In Celebration of Darwin Day (February 12, 2017) Booth Library has partnered with the EIU Biological Sciences Department to showcase resources about evolution and to promote the Stephen Jay Gould award for the best student paper. The competition is open to all EIU undergraduate and graduate students from any department. Details regarding the competition can be found on the award page in the Biological Sciences department website.
More information about the award and the official rules.
Charles Darwin biographical overview from the Encyclopedia of World Biography: Charles Robert Darwin. (2004). In Encyclopedia of World Biography (2nd ed., Vol. 4, pp. 397-399). Detroit: Gale.
Stephen Jay Gould biographical overview from the Encyclopedia of World Biography: Stephen Jay Gould. (2004). In Encyclopedia of World Biography (2nd ed., Vol. 6, pp. 472-473). Detroit: Gale.
Link to streaming videos about evolution from Kanopy Streaming and Alexander Street Press.
The books listed below will be on display in the third floor corridor and available to check out until March 20, the deadline for submission to the award committee.
- American Genesis: The Antievolution Controversies from Scopes to Creation Science
- Moran, Jeffrey P.
- QH362 .M67 2012
- summary | details
- Annotated Origin: A Facsimile Of the First Edition Of on the Origin Of Species
- Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.
- QH365 .O2 2009
- summary | details
- Arrival Of the Fittest: How Nature Innovates
- Wagner, Andreas, 1967 January 26-
- QH375 .W327 2015x
- summary | details
- Charles Darwin’s Beagle Diary
- Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882,
- QH365 .A1 2001x
- summary | details
- Constant Fire: Beyond the Science Vs. Religion Debate
- Frank, Adam, 1962-
- BL245 .F73 2009
- summary | details
- Correspondence Of Charles Darwin
- Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.
- QH31.D2 A4 1985
- summary | details
- Darwin’s Camera: Art and Photography in the Theory Of Evolution
- Prodger, Phillip.
- QH365.Z9 P76 2009
- summary | details
- Darwin’s Gift to Science and Religion
- Ayala, Francisco José, 1934-
- QH375 .A93 2007
- summary | details
- Darwin, God and the Meaning Of Life: How Evolutionary Theory Undermines Everything You Thought You Knew
- Stewart-Williams, Steve, 1971-
- QH360.5 .S79 2010
- summary | details
- Darwinian Detectives: Revealing the Natural History Of Genes and Genomes
- Johnson, Norman A., 1966-
- QH390 .J64 2007
- summary | details
- Darwinian Populations and Natural Selection
- Godfrey-Smith, Peter.
- QH375 .G63 2009
- summary | details
- Darwinian Tourist: Viewing the World Through Evolutionary Eyes
- Wills, Christopher.
- QH367 .W73 2010x
- summary | details
- Genetics Demystified
- Willett, Edward, 1959-
- QH430 .W55 2006
- summary | details
- Genetics Of Original Sin: The Impact Of Natural Selection on the Future Of Humanity
- De Duve, Christian.
- QH325 .D41313 2010
- summary | details
- Genial Gene: Deconstructing Darwinian Selfishness
- Roughgarden, Joan.
- QL761 .R68 2009
- summary | details
- Homo Mysterious: Evolutionary Puzzles Of Human Nature
- Barash, David P.
- GN281 .B36 2012
- summary | details
- Misbehaving Science: Controversy and the Development Of Behavior Genetics
- Panofsky, Aaron,
- QH457 .P36 2014
- summary | details
- Mutation: The History Of an Idea from Darwin to Genomics
- Carlson, Elof Axel.
- QH460 .C37 2011
- summary | details
- On Natural Selection
- Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.
- QH365 .O2 2005
- summary | details
- On the Origin Of Species
- Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.
- QH365 .O2 2008
- summary | details
- Origin then and Now: An Interpretive Guide to the Origin Of Species
- Reznick, David N., 1952-
- QH365.O8 R49 2010
- summary | details
- Reading Darwin in Arabic, 1860-1950
- Elshakry, Marwa, 1973-
- BP190.5.E86 E47 2013
- summary | details
- Rhetorical Darwinism: Religion, Evolution, and the Scientific Identity
- Lessl, Thomas M., 1954-
- Q172.5.P82 L47 2012
- summary | details
- Rise Of Animals: Evolution and Diversification Of the Kingdom Animalia
- QE653 .R567 2007
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- Violinist’s Thumb: And Other Lost Tales Of Love, War, and Genius, As Written by Our Genetic Code
- Kean, Sam.
- QH431 .K24 2012
- summary | details
- What Darwin Got Wrong
- Fodor, Jerry A.
- QH375 .F63 2010
- summary | details
Years of Struggle, History, Leaders, Activists
Posted on August 25th, 2016
In support of the fall 2016 exhibit and programs “For All the World To See: Visual Culture and the Struggle for Civil Rights” Booth librarians have gathered several reference titles focused on African American History and civil rights. They are currently on display in the reference corridor on the 3rd floor of Booth.
- African American Films Through 1959: A Comprehensive, Illustrated Filmography
- Richards, Larry, 1950-
- PN1995.9.N4 R54 1998
- summary | details
- African American Years
- Stepto, Gabriel.
- E185 .S797 2003
- summary | details
- African-american Atlas: Black History and Culture–an Illustrated Reference
- Asante, Molefi Kete, 1942-
- E185 .A79 1998
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- Black America: A State-by-state Historical Encyclopedia
- E185 .B537 2011
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- Black America: A State-by-state Historical Encyclopedia
- E185 .B537 2011
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- Black Firsts: 4,000 Ground-breaking and Pioneering Historical Events
- E185 .B574 2003
- summary | details
- Chronology Of African-american History: Significant Events and People from 1619 to the Present
- Hornsby, Alton.
- E185 .H64 1991
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African American Actresses in Film and Television
- McCann, Bob, 1948-2009.
- PN1995.9.N4 M345 2010
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African American History
- E185 .E544 2010
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African American History
- E185 .E544 2010
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African American History
- E185 .E544 2010
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- Encyclopedia Of African American Politics
- Smith, Robert C. (Robert Charles), 1947-
- E185 .S58155 2003
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African American Society
- E185 .E546 2005
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African American Society
- E185 .E546 2005
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African-american Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas
- E185 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African-american Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas
- E185 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African-american Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas
- E185 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African-american Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas
- E185 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African-american Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas
- E185 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of African-american Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas
- E185 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of Slave Resistance and Rebellion
- E447 .E53 2007
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of Slave Resistance and Rebellion
- E447 .E53 2007
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of the Great Black Migration
- E185.6 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of the Great Black Migration
- E185.6 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Encyclopedia Of the Great Black Migration
- E185.6 .E54 2006
- summary | details
- Greenwood Encyclopedia Of African American Civil Rights: From Emancipation to the Twenty-first Century
- E185.61 .E54 2003
- summary | details
- Greenwood Encyclopedia Of African American Civil Rights: From Emancipation to the Twenty-first Century
- E185.61 .E54 2003
- summary | details
- Icons Of African American Protest: Trailblazing Activists Of the Civil Rights Movement
- Knight, Gladys L., 1974-
- E185.96 .K56 2009
- summary | details
- Icons Of African American Protest: Trailblazing Activists Of the Civil Rights Movement
- Knight, Gladys L., 1974-
- E185.96 .K56 2009
- summary | details
- Landmarks Of African American History
- Horton, James Oliver.
- E185 .H6444 2005
- summary | details
- Routledge Atlas Of African American History
- Earle, Jonathan Halperin.
- E185 .E125 2000
- summary | details
- Timelines Of African-american History: 500 Years Of Black Achievement
- Cowan, Thomas Dale.
- E185 .C86 1994
- summary | details
- Traveler’s Guide to the Civil Rights Movement
- Carrier, Jim, 1944-
- E185.61 .C267 2004
- summary | details
- Underground Railroad: An Encyclopedia Of People, Places, and Operations
- Snodgrass, Mary Ellen.
- E450 .S65 2008
- summary | details
- Underground Railroad: An Encyclopedia Of People, Places, and Operations
- Snodgrass, Mary Ellen.
- E450 .S65 2008
- summary | details
- Untold Glory: African Americans in Pursuit Of Freedom, Opportunity, and Achievement
- Govenar, Alan B., 1952-
- E185.96 .G68 2006
- summary | details
- W.e.b. Du Bois: An Encyclopedia
- E185.97.D73 W164 2001
- summary | details
Gene Luen Yang: National Library Week Honorary Chair
Posted on April 11th, 2016
Author Gene Luen Yang will serve as Honorary Chair of National Library Week (April 10-16).
Gene is a graphic novelist who was recognized by the Library of Congress as the 2016-2017 National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature. His books often look at themes such as acceptance and culture from a young person’s perspective. His first graphic novel, American Born Chinese, about a boy struggling to fit into a new school, was the first graphic novel to be a finalist for the national book award.
Many of Gene’s books, and other graphic novels and books about comics are on display at Booth in the 3000 corridor. Check them out below!
Booth Library has events planned to help celebrate National Library Week:
April 11th: Edible Book Festival 4pm, Marvin Foyer (see entries from past years!)
April 13th: Book Sale, 9am-4pm, Library South Entrance
- Class, Please Open Your Comics: Essays on Teaching with Graphic Narratives
- LB1044.9.C59 C53 2015
- summary | details
- Eternal Smile: Three Stories
- Yang, Gene Luen.
- 741.5973 Y163et
- summary | details
- Graphic Subjects: Critical Essays on Autobiography and Graphic Novels
- PN6710 .G7375 2011
- summary | details
- Multicultural Comics: From Zap to Blue Beetle
- PN6714 .M85 2010
- summary | details
- Out Of Sequence: Underrepresented Voices in American Comics
- PN6725 .D77 2008
- summary | details
- Oxford Handbook Of Children’s Literature
- PR990 .O94 2011
- summary | details
- Teaching Comics and Graphic Narratives: Essays on Theory, Strategy and Practice
- LB1044.9.C59 T43 2012
- summary | details
- Up All Night: A Short Story Collection
- 813.0108 Up11
- summary | details
Black History media materials on display at Booth
Posted on January 17th, 2016
February is African American History Month and in celebration of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and in anticipation of the featured history month, Booth media staff have curated a list of relevant DVDs from our rich film collections.
Learn more about the month at the official website. 
- Between Two Rivers Struggle for Civil Rights in Small-town America
- F549.C2 B48 2012x .DVD
- summary | details
- Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975: A Documentary in 9 Chapters
- E185.615 .B5468 2011x .DVD
- summary | details
- Brother Outsider the Life Of Bayard Rustin
- E185.97.R93 B76 2002x .DVD
- summary | details
- Civil Rights Martyrs Free at Last
- E185.61 C58 2003x .DVD
- summary | details
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. a Historical Perspective
- E185.97.K5 D7 2002x .DVD
- summary | details
- For Love Of Liberty the Story Of America’s Black Patriots
- E185.63 .F67x 2009 .DVD
- summary | details
- Irresistible Vision Mandela and the End Of Apartheid.
- DT1949.M35 I7 2004x .DVD
- summary | details
- King Go Beyond the Dream to Discover the Man
- E185.97.K5 K565 2008x .DVD
- summary | details
- Martin Luther King “i Have a Dream.”
- E185.97.K5 M36x 2005 .DVD
- summary | details
- Martin’s Big Words the Life Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. –and More Stories from the African-american Tradition
- E185.96 .M37x 2005 .DVD
- summary | details
- Separate but Not Equal the Stories Behind Brown V. Board Of Education.
- KF4155 .S47 2004x .DVD
- summary | details
- Slavery and the Making Of America
- E441 .S523 2005x .DVD
- summary | details
- Slavery and the Making Of America
- E441 .S523 2005x .DVD
- summary | details
- Slavery and the Making Of America
- E441 .S523 2005x .DVD
- summary | details
- Slavery and the Making Of America
- E441 .S523 2005x .DVD
- summary | details
Through a Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the Emergence Of a People
- Unforgivable Blackness the Rise and Fall Of Jack Johnson
- GV1132.J64 U64 2005x .DVD
- summary | details
- Unforgivable Blackness the Rise and Fall Of Jack Johnson
- GV1132.J6 U54 2005x .DVD
- summary | details
EVFF celebrates famous Illinoisan Richard Pryor
Posted on November 2nd, 2015
The Embarrass Valley Film Festival is in it’s 11th year! This year, the Festival that —“encourages broader appreciation for and study of film as a potent vehicle for human expression and communication through the exploration of cinematic arts involving people from Illinois and alumni of Eastern Illinois University”– is celebrating Richard Pryor. Did you know he was a native of Peoria? We verified it in the Encyclopedia of World Biography.
Booth has more than you can imagine on this icon of American Comedy. Listed below are a few resources, and a link to a catalog search result for keywords: Richard Pryor.
Encyclopedia articles:
“Pryor, Richard 1940-.” American Decades. Ed. Judith S. Baughman, et al. Vol. 8: 1970-1979. Detroit: Gale, 2001. Gale Virtual Reference Library.
“Richard Pryor.” Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2nd ed. Vol. 19. Detroit: Gale, 2004. 300-302. Gale Virtual Reference Library.
“Protest Humor.” Encyclopedia of African American Society. Ed. Gerald D. Jaynes. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2005. 668-69. SAGE knowledge.
209 articles from Newspapers, Magazines and Journals from
EBSCO databases published between 1981 and 2015:
PRYOR, Richard, 1940-2005
EIU Library catalog search: Richard Pryor

Furious Cool: Richard Pryor and the world that made him
by David Henry and Joe Henry, 2013
Electronic book available from MyMediaMall
also in print at call number: PN2287 .P77 H46 2014X

Jokes my father never taught me: life, love and loss with Richard Pryor
by Rain Pryor with Cathy Crimmins
Electronic book available from MyMediaMall
New titles at Booth for January
Posted on February 11th, 2015
Professor David S Bell has released the new titles list for books, DVDs, music scores, CDs, maps, reference works, and electronic materials for January 2015.
A monthly feature of the Booth library Website, The list conveniently organizes materials into different locations and media types.

The new titles are listed by their call number. You can review new titles for each month dating back years. Another feature of the page is the link to a specialized search box that allows you to retrieve new items based on the search categories you select.

Here are the results of new titles added in January for…