Patrons are invited to fall in love with a new book during February by participating in “Blind Date with a Book.”
Through “Blind Date with a Book,” patrons choose from several books wrapped in brown paper with descriptive hints written on the front. Patrons check out the book at the Circulation desk and then take it home to reveal their “blind date.”
Patrons are invited to choose their blind date from the table located on the main floor near the Circulation desk.
Seasons greetings and happy holidays, Panthers! It’s never too early to start celebrating the holiday season, is it? As long as we’re past Halloween, right? Treat yourself to the greatest holidays movie display on campus, right here in Booth Library! There is something for everyone, from heart-warming classics, to modern comedy, to some more obscure gems you may never have heard of (but you should definitely check out). Get here quick, though, because we only have one copy of Die Hard. Cheers!
Enjoy a selection of holiday films from Booth curated by our Library Technology Services Staff and students. These films are on display on the 4th floor of the library.
You might also find an interesting holiday choice from among the thousands of streaming films we have available through Alexander Street Video and Kanopy Streaming.
Booth Librarian Steve Brantley has selected a number of titles on the subject of fear, monsters and the monstrous in literature and film. The selections span a range from Beowulf and Bela Lugosi, to special effects makeup and “fantastic victoriana.” Most of the books are on display and available for checkout on the 3000 level corridor, but a few are e-books, accessible right here (see below). The full catalog list can be retrieved using the tag “monstrous” whenever you are viewing any one of the catalog records.
Any EIU library user can view a selected list of electronic encyclopedia entries from our collection of hundreds of reference e-books.
Monsters from: Gaster, Theodor H. “Monsters.” Encyclopedia of Religion. Ed. Lindsay Jones. 2nd ed. Vol. 9. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 6163-6166. Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Dragons from: Grottanelli, Cristiano. “Dragons.” Encyclopedia of Religion. Ed. Lindsay Jones. 2nd ed. Vol. 4. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 2430-2434. Gale Virtual Reference Library
Horror Films from: “Horror Films.” Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film. Ed. Barry Keith Grant. Vol. 2. New York: Schirmer Reference, 2007. 391-399. Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Ghoul from: Bishop, Kyle William. “Ghoul.” Encyclopedia of the Zombie: The Walking Dead in Popular Culture and Myth. Ed. June Michele Pulliam and Anthony J. Fonseca. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood, 2014. 110-111. Gale Virtual Reference Library
Some ebooks to pique your interest:
The Monstrous List
Library Technology Services staff member Lee Whitacre wants to scare you! She has curated several of the scariest, funniest, and classic supernatural and/or horror movies from Booth’s film and TV collection. See below and come to the 4th floor LTS corridor to check them out!
Ahhhh…Spring! It’s finally here and like Lord Alfred Tennyson penned: In the spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.
Or, as John Dryden proclaimed: Pains of love be sweeter far | Than all other pleasures are.
Lastly, Emily Dickinson wrote: That love is all there is, is all we know of love.
Below are a few titles revealing all kinds of love and affection, pulsing within each cover: from Edith Wharton’s “Ethan Frome” the classic tale of the hiss of an old love grown cold as well as the promise, thrill and redemption of a new lover; to an unlikely, but growing friendship and attachment between two prison cellmates in “The Kiss of the Spider-Woman;” to the hilarious daily journal of a young woman, Bridget, describing her none-too-suave exploits (think blue soup, trying to shed stones, and an inappropriate interest in her bad-boy boss) in “Bridget Jones’s Diary.”
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour — Call # e-book via Booth Library & MyMediaMall
Rusty’s Surprise by Zach Sweets — Call # e-book via Booth Library & MyMediaMall
Homemade Love by California Cooper — Call # PS 3553 .O5874 H66 1986
The Necessity of Certain Behaviors by Shannon Cain — Call # PS 3603 .A389 N43 2011
The Sculptor by Scott McCloud — Call # Coming soon! Ordered 2-6-15 for GraFX in the Atrium
Someday, Someday, Maybe: a Novel by Lauren Graham — Call # e-book via Booth Library & MyMediaMall
Trust No One by Jayne Ann Krentz — Call # e-book via Booth Library & MyMediaMall
Kiss of the Spider Woman by Manuel Puig — Call # book, CD, e-book, movie, musical
Plum Lovin’ by Janet Evanovich — Call # PS3555.V2126 P56 2007b & e-book via Booth Library & MyMediaMall
Bridget Jones Diary by Helen Fielding — Call # PR 6056 .I4588 B75 1998 & e-book via Booth Library & MyMediaMall
The Arrow by Monica McCarty — Call # e-book via Booth Library online catalog &
When the Duke Was Wicked by Lorraine Heath — Call # e-book via Booth Library online catalog & MyMediaMall
The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters — Call # e-book via Booth Library online catalog & MyMediaMall
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen — Call # PR 4034 .P7 2006x & e-book via Booth Library & MyMediaMall (and…lots of other versions)
Oryx and Crake: a Novel by Margaret Atwood — Call # PR 9199.3 .A8 O79 2003 & e-book via Booth Library & MyMediaMall
Every Day by David Levithan — Call # Ballenger Teachers Center 813 L579ev & e-book via Booth Library online catalog & MyMediaMall
Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden — Call # Ballenger Teachers Center 813 G167a
Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy — Call # PR 4745 .A1 1958x & read it online via Hathitrust
Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare — Call # PR PR2831.A2 W35 2012 & Graphic Novel, GraFX-Atrium PR2831.A2 P33x 2005 & Movie PN1997 .R73x .DVD & music, opera, monologues & Hathitrust online book
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte — Call # PR 4167 .J3 1996 / e-book / movie PR 4167 .J32 1999x .DVD / read it online via Hathitrust
The Awakening by Kate Chopin — Call # Complete stories PS 1294 .C63 v.1, v.2 & e-book via Booth Library and MyMediaMall & screenplay PS1294.C63 A6434 1992
Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton Call # PS 3545 .H16 E7 1968 & read it online via Hathitrust & movie PN1997 .E87x .DVD & Ballenger Teachers Center 813 W55E3
A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway — Call # PS 3515 .E37 F3 1997 & movie PN 1997 .F3896x .DVD & audio sound recording (in storage): introduction, excerpts, and study guide PS3515.E37 F355 2006x .CD
The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough — Call # PR 9619.3 .M32 T46x
December 1, 1955: Rosa Parks in jail after having refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus.
A Chosen Exile: a
History of Racial
Passing in American Life
E185.625 .H63 2014
Lincoln and the U.S. Colored Troops
E540 .N3 S67 2013
Making Freedom: the Underground Railroad and the Politics of
E450 .B59 2013
Freedom’s Ballot: African American
Political Struggles in Chicago from Abolition to the Great Migration
F548.9 .N4 M34
A Working People: a History of African American Workers Since Emancipation
HD808.1 .A65 R45 2013
Cornel West on Black Prophetic Fire
E185.96 .W47 2014
The Rise of Chicago’s Black Metropolis, 1920-1929
F548.9 .N4 R445 2011
In Remembrance of Emmett Till: Regional Stories and Media
Responses to the Black Freedom Struggle
E184.93 .M5 M24
A Decisive Decade: an Insider’s View of the Chicago Civil Rights Movement During the 1960s
F548.9 .N4 M34 2013
Malcolm X at Oxford Union: Racial Politics in a Global Era
BP223 .Z8 L57163 2014
The March on Washington: Jobs, Freedom, and the Forgotten
History of Civil Rights
F200 .J66 2013
This is the Day: the March on Washington
F200 .F74 2013
This Nonviolent Stuff’ll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement
E185.61 .C633 2014
The Freedom Summer Murders
E185.93 .M6 M58 2014x
The Black Revolution on Campus
LC781 .B38 2012
Some of My Best Friends Are Black: the Strange Story of
Integration in America
E184 .A1 C537
“I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history
as the greatest demonstration for freedom
in the history of our nation.”
Listen to Dr. King’s “Dream” speech on Soundcloud
The many speeches, letters, and sermons of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. are among the most famous in all American History. Much has been written about them (as witnessed by the small sample of books from Booth collections listed below), and today we can see or hear many of these famous appearances on demand.
Booth’s electronic encyclopedias can provide credible, authoritative
information on Dr. King, the Dream speech, civil rights, and other topics related to the man and his legacy.
Also available on your screen via Booth’s streaming video collections is the Universal Newsreel footage of contemporary news coverage of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and Dr. King’s speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. See it embedded below, or visit the Alexander Street Press Website for the video plus a full searchable transcript and video editing and annotation tools. Several other relevant videos are also available.
Martin Luther King: “I Have a Dream” on DVD
E185.97 .K5 M36x 2005 DVD
A Call to Conscience: the Landmark Speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (VHS video)
E185.97.K5 A5 2001cx .CASS (LTS Storage; request at LTS desk, 4th floor)
The Making of Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement. (1996) Edited by Brian Ward and Tony Badger
E185.97.K5 M255 1996
The Dream Lives On: Martin Luther King, Jr. (1999) by Sandra Millner
E185.97.K5 M516 1999
(Pictorial works Oversize collection, 2nd floor)
King: the Photobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. (2000) by Charles Johnson and Bob Adelman
E185.97.K5 J57 2000 (Oversize collection, 2nd floor)
Martin Luther King (2010) by Godfrey Hodgson
E185.97.K5 H62x 2010
Waking From the Dream: the Struggle for Civil Rights in the Shadow of Martin Luther King, Jr. (2014) by David L. Chappell
MyMediaMall (ebook)
I May Not Get There With You: the True Martin Luther King, Jr. (2000) by Michael Eric Dyson
E185.97.K5 D97 2000
The Dream: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Speech that Inspired a Nation (2003) by Drew D. Hansen
E185.97.K5 H273 2003
A Testament of Hope: the Essential Writings of Martin Luther King, Jr. (1986) edited by James Melvin Washington
E185.97.K5 A25 1986
The Martin Luther King, Jr., Companion: Quotations from the Speeches, Essays, and Books of Martin Luther King, Jr. (1993) Selected by Coretta Scott King introduction by Dexter Scott King
E185.97.K5 A25 1993a
Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Sermonic Power of Public Discourse (1993) edited by Carolyn Calloway-Thomas and John Louis Lucaites
E185.97.K5 M32 1993
600 Lincoln Avenue,
Charleston, IL 61920
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